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ICF Core Set for schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a severe psychotic disorder characterized by a chronic and relapsing course with generally incomplete remissions, substantial functional decline, frequent psychiatric and medical co-morbidities and increased mortality. Schizophrenia is also associated with an enormous economic burden, the largest component of which derives from lost productivity. Global burden of disease analysis shows that schizophrenia is ranked among the top-ten leading causes of disease-related disability in the world. Functioning and disability is increasingly being taken into account in assessing the impact of schizophrenia on the individual, as well as the effectiveness of treatments. Difficulties with everyday activities and low health-related quality of life have consistently been reported as be…

ICF Core Sets for Bipolar Disorders

Functioning is increasingly being taken into account when assessing the impact of bipolar disorder (BD) on the individual as well as on the effectiveness of treatment. However, the studies published on the measures assessing functioning, disability, and/or quality of life in relation to BD show little standardization in the use of these instruments. In addition, these instruments typically cover only selected aspects of the entire experience associated with BD; it is also important to note that no BD-specific instruments exists to date. It would, therefore, be valuable for clinical practice and research to have a practical tool that covers the typical spectrum of problems in functioning of individuals with BD. The project "Developing the ICF Core Sets for BD " begun in the summer of 2007…

ICF Core Set for Depression

Depression is associated with significant loss of quality of life, increased morbidity and mortality and enormous economic burden, the largest component of which derives from lost work productivity. Global Burden of Disease analysis shows that unipolar depressive disorders are ranked as the fourth leading cause of burden among all diseases. By 2020, the burden of depression is expected to increase to 5.7% of the total burden of disease, becoming the second leading cause of global disability-adjusted life years lost. Functioning is increasingly taken into account for the diagnoses of depression as well as for evaluating the effectiveness of treatments. The American Psychiatric Association included the concept of functioning as diagnostic option for assessing major depressive disorder in th…